Home / Funerary Mask / Mask-Applique representing a Male Head
Greek Mask-Applique from the 5th century B.C. representing a male head.
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Price:CHF 1'100
Greek Mask-Applique made of terracotta representing a male head.
5th century B.C.
H: 4.6 cm
Funerary Mask, Sculpture
Good condition.
This Near Easter Terracotta Miniature Feminine Statuette is considered as a Tell Halaf Statuette, as she features their style, typology and technique.
This seal, modeled in the shape of a stylized pig was carved from a cream-colored limestone.
Although conveying a certain charm, typical of traditional folk art rather than formal representations, this statuette shows highly stylized and naive shapes which do not totally lighten the strength of the rectangular block of stone.
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